
  • c create window
  • w list windows
  • n next window
  • p previous window
  • f find window
  • , name window
  • & kill window

Panes (splits)

  • % vertical split
  • ” horizontal split
  • o swap panes
  • q show pane numbers
  • x kill pane
  • + break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy)
  • - restore pane from window
  • ⍽ space - toggle between layouts
  • prefix + q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane)
  • prefix + { (Move the current pane left)
  • prefix + } (Move the current pane right)
  • prefix + z toggle pane zoom
  • prefix + h
  • select pane on the left
  • prefix + j
  • select pane below the current one
  • prefix + k
  • select pane above
  • prefix + l
  • select pane on the right

Note: This overrides tmux’s default binding for toggling between last active windows, prefix + l. tmux-sensible gives you a better binding for that, prefix + a (if your prefix is C-a).

Resizing panes

  • prefix + shift + h
  • resize current pane 5 cells to the left
  • prefix + shift + j
  • resize 5 cells in the up direction
  • prefix + shift + k
  • resize 5 cells in the down direction
  • prefix + shift + l
  • resize 5 cells to the right

These mappings are repeatable. The amount of cells to resize can be configured with @pane_resize option. See configuration section for the details.

Splitting panes

  • prefix +
  • split current pane horizontally
  • prefix + -
  • split current pane vertically Newly created pane always has the same path as the original pane.

Swapping windows

  • prefix + < - moves current window one position to the left
  • prefix + > - moves current window one position to the right

Copy mode bindings

  • y - copy selection to system clipboard
  • Y (shift-y) - “put” selection - equivalent to copying a selection, and pasting it to the command line
  • Alt-y - performs both of the above: copy to system clipboard and put to command line
  • prefix + / - regex search (strings work too)

Example search entries:

  • foo - searches for string foo
  • [0-9]+ - regex search for numbers Grep is used for searching. Searches are case insensitive.

Predefined searches

  • prefix + ctrl-f - simple file search
  • prefix + ctrl-g - jumping over git status files (best used after git status command)
  • prefix + ctrl-u - url search (http, ftp and git urls)
  • prefix + ctrl-d - number search (mnemonic d, as digit)
  • prefix + alt-i - ip address search

These start “copycat mode” and jump to first match. “Copycat mode” bindings These are enabled when you search with copycat:

  • n - jumps to the next match
  • N - jumps to the previous match

To copy a highlighted match:

  • Enter - if you’re using Tmux vi mode
  • ctrl-w or alt-w - if you’re using Tmux emacs mode
  • Copying a highlighted match will take you “out” of copycat mode. Paste with prefix + ] (this is Tmux default paste).


  • prefix + Ctrl-s - save
  • prefix + Ctrl-r - restore TPM Installation of Plugins
  • prefix + Iinstalls new plugins from github or any other git reporefreshes TMUX environment
  • prefix + U updates plugin(s)
  • prefix + g - prompts for session name and switches to it. Performs ‘kind-of’ name completion. Faster than the built-in prefix + s prompt for long session lists.
  • prefix + C (shift + c) - prompt for creating a new session by name.
  • prefix + S (shift + s) - switches to the last session. The same as built-in prefix + L that everyone seems to override with some other binding.
  • prefix + @ - promote current pane into a new session. Analogous to how prefix + ! breaks current pane to a new window.